• Post published:12 December 2019
  • Post comments:2 Comments
You are currently viewing Microsoft Powerpoint

Note : This page has been translated into English from French by a machine translation tool

Whether in a school or professional setting and even in the case of conferences with a purely informative or cultural purpose, the slide show is the most widely used means of assisting the speaker(s) in transmitting knowledge and information to an audience. The creation of a series of slides that follow the progress of a presentation is essential in order to animate this type of event. Microsoft Powerpoint offers you this possibility among others. If you want to know all that it can bring you, we invite you to continue reading…

Powerpoint is probably the third behind Word and Excel among the most famous office applications offered by Microsoft. It is available through certain licenses of the Office 365 software suite (see our Microsoft Office 365 productivity software article for more information) alongside the two tools mentioned above. It is also available as a single license for a Windows or macOS workstation.

Microsoft Powerpoint is a Computer Aided Presentation software that allows you to create dynamic slide shows integrating animations, kinematic effects, icons or 3D models. As with other software in the suite, you can choose from a large number of models in more than 40 different categories so that you don’t start from a blank project and save precious design time. Needless to say, Powerpoint always offers you basic creation functions such as inserting titles, text boxes, tables, images and even soundtracks and video clips to make your presentations more attractive.

You know you can’t integrate all your content into the presentation slideshow. Beyond that, it is strongly discouraged to include too much text in your slides if this slideshow is to be projected during an oral intervention in front of an audience. For those who are afraid of forgetting things in such a situation, Powerpoint allows you to include notes that only you will have access to during the presentation and will display the next slide at the same time to help you find your way around.

And if you want to allow your audience to follow your presentation even though they are not fluent in the language in which you designed your slideshow, or if you want to allow deaf and hard of hearing people to follow your presentation, there is a tool called Presentation Translator. It allows you to translate your slides prior to your presentation and to subtitle them in the language of your choice. It is even possible for members of your audience to follow in the language of their choice thanks to the Microsoft Translator application available on Android and iOS.

Finally, thanks to the cloud storage features offered by Microsoft OneDrive, it is possible to share your presentation and allow all those with whom you have shared it to view it and make visible changes in real time. Let’s not forget that the availability of the Powerpoint application on mobile devices running Android and iOS allows you to access documents wherever you are and whenever you want.

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7 May 2024 1 h 14 min

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