Receive within seven days your free training e-book on the software of your choice…
Create your personal or professional account on our site by filling out the information requested in our registration form
Place an order for your hardware, software or complete software suite by clicking on one of the links on the pages of our site (find the list of eligible orders below)
Take a screenshot of the page containing the link you clicked on
Choose an e-book from the list of available e-books below. If you have ordered a software suite or a minimum of two devices, you can choose two e-books from the list of available e-books (see the list of eligible orders below)
Send us by e-mail at contact@soft-hardware.fr your username created when you registered, specifying the model(s) of device(s) or the name of the software or suite you ordered and then the name of the e-book or two e-books you chose
You will receive your e-book(s) by return e-mail within seven days in PDF format. If you wish to receive your order on another mailbox than the one used to make your request or the one you entered during your registration, we invite you to specify it as well…
Note : Any e-mail containing erroneous or incomplete information will not be processed. The offer is limited to two e-books offered per user account and per year…
- Any single software order that is part of the Microsoft Office 365 software suites (not all software in these suites may be available as individual licenses)
- Any order for a single piece of software from the Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Creative Cloud for Photo software suites (not all software from these suites may be available as individual licenses)
- Any order for a version of Microsoft Windows 10 operating system
- Adobe Stock service subscription
- Any order of a video projector, computer, touch tablet, NAS, server or thin client with a minimum value of 500 €
- Any order for a license of one of the Microsoft Office 365 software suites for individuals or companies
- Any order for a license of one of the Adobe Creative Cloud software suites or Adobe Creative Cloud for Photo
- Any order of two devices from among video projectors, computers, touch tablets, NAS, servers or thin clients with a minimum total value of €1000
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- Microsoft Publisher
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft OneNote
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Lightroom
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Media Encoder
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe XD
Participate in content writing
Do you like new technologies ? Are you passionate about computers ? You are particularly familiar with a product, whether it is hardware or software ?
Contact us in order to suggest a subject or directly submit an article. If your subject is interesting and is related to the topics we deal with and your article is well written, it will be published on our site.
For more information, we invite you to contact us by e-mail…