• Post published:13 December 2019
  • Post comments:6 Comments
You are currently viewing Microsoft Office Delve

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In a company, when you work in collaboration with certain people on a series of given projects but also sometimes at the same time with other people on other projects, you are confronted with a flow of documents from various sources that can quickly overwhelm you. Sometimes it would be necessary to bring a good dose of organization into all of this. And if a tool could help us do that, wouldn’t it be even better ? That’s good, we’re here to talk about Microsoft Delve…

Microsoft Office Delve is a collaboration software included in the Microsoft Office 365 software suite (see our Microsoft Office 365 productivity software article for more information). It allows you to manage your Office 365 profile as well as the search and organization of information in the software suite. In concrete terms, this means that all users who may be required to collaborate in a company have the possibility in Office Delve to update their profiles from a SharePoint, Exchange or OneDrive account. From there, Delve allows you to share with your contacts via the Cloud documents designed and edited in various Office 365 software packages, such as Word or Excel, so that they can consult them, either to simply inform them about the progress of your work for example, but also so that they can make changes if you authorize them to do so.

By default, Delve classifies the documents shared with you based on the last modification date of each one and only gives access to documents according to the rights granted to you. Subsequently, thanks to the use of an artificial intelligence module (see our Artificial intelligence article for more information), Delve bases itself on your operating habits, the way you use Office 365 on a daily basis, or the users with whom you collaborate regularly to reorganize the shared documents according to their relevance. You can of course modify this organization by adding certain documents to your favorites to make them easier to access later. You also have the possibility to add a theme to these documents so that you can, for example, sort through them later and thus more easily isolate all the documents that are linked to each other.

Finally, thanks to Delve, you can, in large organizations, get in touch with some of your colleagues you never see and identify them more easily, whether you work directly with them or not. The profile data filled in by each of them allows you to find out more about those who share their personal information in this way.

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27 July 2024 3 h 48 min

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