• Post published:13 December 2019
  • Post comments:16 Comments
You are currently viewing Substance Alchemist

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In the field of 3D texturing, you can choose to apply already existing textures to your 3D models or you can go further by customizing your textures for example. Allowing you to create your own textures and materials is one of the features of Substance Alchemist…

Substance Alchemist is one of the tools in the Adobe Substance suite. It allows you to create collections of materials to suit your needs. You can choose to adjust existing materials or create your own based on images, photographs or your own settings. You start from a basic material that you can modify in a more or less precise and complex way to obtain the one that will best meet your expectations. If you decide to create a material from an image, Alchemist extracts the data by removing parasitic elements such as shadows to ensure the best possible result. Thus, Substance Alchemist allows anyone who needs materials that look as close to reality as possible to quickly get the textures they need.

But that’s not all. Alchemist also offers you the possibility to create unique materials by combining several other existing materials. The material thus created is also fully adjustable according to many parameters. Once again, this tool guarantees you countless possibilities for your creations. In addition, you can create complete libraries from a material by varying the colors, for example. As you can see, the possibilities offered here have few limits other than those of your imagination. Of course, Alchemist allows you to export all your creations in a format compatible with your 3D modeling and animation applications.

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17 September 2024 7 h 47 min

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12 September 2024 3 h 02 min

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11 September 2024 2 h 58 min

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10 September 2024 2 h 10 min

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24 August 2024 6 h 22 min

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8 July 2024 1 h 01 min

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28 June 2024 2 h 47 min

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21 June 2024 2 h 35 min

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5 June 2024 3 h 21 min

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2 April 2024 21 h 04 min

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28 March 2024 2 h 55 min

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20 March 2024 4 h 25 min

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6 March 2024 0 h 52 min

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6 March 2024 0 h 46 min

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Cagnottes de gate io
15 June 2023 19 h 44 min

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