• Post published:26 March 2020
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You are currently viewing Microsoft Stream

Note : This page has been translated into English from French by a machine translation tool


We now know, with the success of online video streaming platforms, that this channel can be an extremely efficient means of communication for the transmission of information. So, if we know these hosting and video playback platforms for their entertainment functions, the implementation of a video distribution platform can also be used in companies to communicate between members of the same team and present slide shows in an interactive way. Look no further, this is the mission of Microsoft Stream…

Microsoft Stream is therefore a video delivery application included in certain packages of the Microsoft Office 365 software suite for businesses. The software is available via a web application for your computer but also for all your mobile devices thanks to the presence of a compatible application on Android and iOS.

Microsoft Stream allows you to distribute presentation and information videos within a team or organization. It is possible, for example, to broadcast a presentation using a slide show but also to make available to a wider audience a meeting that participants would like to review or allow those who could not attend to view its content. But it is also a way to make training videos and, for all the employees for whom they are intended, to access them whenever they wish.

Microsoft Stream allows its users, as it is the case on YouTube, to create channels related to a theme, for example, and then to choose, among its contacts, those who will have the right to access them. Stream also allows users to share videos by simply sending a link by e-mail. Many other features are available, Stream offering the possibility to automatically generate subtitles for uploaded videos. In addition, those who have access rights to these videos can download them to their computer so that they can watch them offline.

The content of the Microsoft Stream account you access is also available wherever you are and whenever you want through the mobile application. From these devices, you can search for videos, view them and save content for offline viewing as well. It is also possible to use the built-in cameras on your mobile devices to capture and stream video to the application.

As you can see, the tools offered by Microsoft Stream provide businesses with simple, professional video sharing solutions for delivering information, meetings, and training videos.

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4 May 2024 5 h 23 min

Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!